Sunday, December 20, 2020

The History and Scope of Microbiology

One can’t overemphasize the importance of microbiology. Society benefits from microorganisms in many ways. They are necessary for the production of bread, cheese, beer, antibiotics, vaccines, vitamins, enzymes, and many other important products. Indeed, modern biotechnology rests upon a microbiological foundation. Microorganisms are indispensable components of our ecosystem. They make possible the cycles of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur that take place in terrestrial and aquatic systems. They also are a source of nutrients at the base of all ecological food chains and webs.

Of course microorganisms also have harmed humans and disrupted society over the millennia. Microbial diseases undoubtedly played a major role in historical events such as the decline of the Roman Empire and the conquest of the New World. In 1347 plague or black death struck Europe with brutal force. By 1351, only four years later, the plague had killed 1/3 of the population (about 25 million people). Over the next 80 years, the disease struck again and again, eventually wiping out 75% of the European population. Some historians believe that this disaster changed European culture and prepared the way for the Renaissance.

Today the struggle by microbiologists and others against killers like AIDS and malaria continues.

In this introductory chapter the historical development of the science of microbiology is described, and its relationship to medicine and other areas of biology is considered. The nature of the microbial world is then surveyed to provide a general idea of the organisms and agents that microbiologists study. Finally, the scope, relevance, and future of modern microbiology are discussed.

Microbiology often has been defined as the study of organisms and agents too small to be seen clearly by the unaided eye—that is, the study of microorganisms. Because objects less than about one millimeter in diameter cannot be seen clearly and must be examined with a microscope, microbiology is concerned primarily with organisms and agents this small and smaller. Its subjects are viruses, bacteria, many algae and fungi, and protozoa (see table 34.1). Yet other members of these groups, particularly some of the algae and fungi, are larger and quite visible. For example, bread molds and filamentous algae are studied by microbiologists, yet are visible to the naked eye. Two bacteria that are visible without a microscope, Thiomargarita and Epulopiscium, also have been discovered.

The difficulty in setting the boundaries of microbiology led Roger Stanier to suggest that the field be defined not only in terms of the size of its subjects but also in terms of its techniques. A microbiologist usually first isolates a specific microorganism from a population and then cultures it. Thus microbiology employs techniques—such as sterilization and the use of culture media—that are necessary for successful isolation and growth of microorganisms.

The development of microbiology as a science is described in the following sections. Table 1.1 presents a summary of some of the major events in this process and their relationship to other historical landmarks.

Important events in the development of Microbiology

Important events in the development of Microbiology

Important events in the development of Microbiology

1.1 The Discovery of Microorganisms

Even before microorganisms were seen, some investigators suspected their existence and responsibility for disease. Among others, the Roman philosopher Lucretius (about 98–55 B.C.) and the physician Girolamo Fracastoro (1478–1553) suggested that disease was caused by invisible living creatures. The earliest microscopic observations appear to have been made between 1625 and 1630 on bees and weevils by the Italian Francesco Stelluti, using a microscope probably supplied by Galileo.

However, the first person to observe and describe microorganisms accurately was the amateur microscopist Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) of Delft, Holland (figure 1.1a).

Antony van Leeuwenhoek

Leeuwenhoek earned his living as a draper and haberdasher (a dealer in men’s clothing and accessories), but spent much of his spare time constructing simple microscopes composed of double convex glass lenses held between two silver plates (figure 1.1b). His microscopes could magnify around 50 to 300 times, and he may have illuminated his liquid specimens by placing them between two pieces of glass and shining light on them at a 45° angle to the specimen plane. This would have provided a form of dark-field illumination and made bacteria clearly visible (figure 1.1c). Beginning in 1673 Leeuwenhoek sent detailed letters describing his discoveries to the Royal Society of London. It is clear from his descriptions that he saw both bacteria and protozoa.

1.2 The Conflict over Spontaneous Generation

From earliest times, people had believed in spontaneous generation—that living organisms could develop from nonliving matter. Even the great Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) thought some of the simpler invertebrates could arise by spontaneous generation.

This view finally was challenged by the Italian physician Francesco Redi (1626–1697), who carried out a series of experiments on decaying meat and its ability to produce maggots spontaneously. Redi placed meat in three containers. One was uncovered, a second was covered with paper, and the third was covered with a fine gauze that would exclude flies. Flies laid their eggs on the uncovered meat and maggots developed. The other two pieces of meat did not produce maggots spontaneously.

However, flies were attracted to the gauze-covered container and laid their eggs on the gauze; these eggs produced maggots.

Thus the generation of maggots by decaying meat resulted from the presence of fly eggs, and meat did not spontaneously generate maggots as previously believed. Similar experiments by others helped discredit the theory for larger organisms. Leeuwenhoek’s discovery of microorganisms renewed the controversy. Some proposed that microorganisms arose by spontaneous generation even though larger organisms did not. They pointed out that boiled extracts of hay or meat would give rise to microorganisms after sitting for a while. In 1748 the English priest John Needham (1713–1781) reported the results of his experiments on spontaneous generation. Needham boiled mutton broth and then tightly stoppered the flasks. Eventually many of the flasks became cloudy and contained microorganisms. He thought organic matter contained a vital force that could confer the properties of life on nonliving matter.

A few years later the Italian priest and naturalist Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729–1799) improved on Needham’s experimental design by first sealing glass flasks that contained water and seeds. If the sealed flasks were placed in boiling water for 3/4 of an hour, no growth took place as long as the flasks remained sealed. He proposed that air carried germs to the culture medium, but also commented that the external air might be required for growth of animals already in the medium. The supporters of spontaneous generation maintained that heating the air in sealed flasks destroyed its ability to support life.

Several investigators attempted to counter such arguments. Theodore Schwann (1810–1882) allowed air to enter a flask containing a sterile nutrient solution after the air had passed through a red-hot tube. The flask remained sterile. Subsequently Georg Friedrich Schroder and Theodor von Dusch allowed air to enter a flask of heat-sterilized medium after it had passed through sterile cotton wool. No growth occurred in the medium even though the air had not been heated. Despite these experiments the French naturalist Felix Pouchet claimed in 1859 to have carried out experiments conclusively proving that microbial growth could occur without air contamination.

Louis Pasteur

This claim provoked Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) to settle the matter once and for all. Pasteur (figure 1.2) first filtered air through cotton and found that objects resembling plant spores had been trapped. If a piece of the cotton was placed in sterile medium after air had been filtered through it, microbial growth appeared. Next he placed nutrient solutions in flasks, heated their necks in a flame, and drew them out into a variety of curves, while keeping the ends of the necks open to the atmosphere (figure 1.3).

Spontaneous generation experiment of Louis Pasteur

Pasteur then boiled the solutions for a few minutes and allowed them to cool. No growth took place even though the contents of the flasks were exposed to the air. Pasteur pointed out that no growth occurred because dust and germs had been trapped on the walls of the curved necks. If the necks were broken, growth commenced immediately. Pasteur had not only resolved the controversy by 1861 but also had shown how to keep solutions sterile.

The English physicist John Tyndall (1820–1893) dealt a final blow to spontaneous generation in 1877 by demonstrating that dust did indeed carry germs and that if dust was absent, broth remained sterile even if directly exposed to air. During the course of his studies, Tyndall provided evidence for the existence of exceptionally heat-resistant forms of bacteria. Working independently, the German botanist Ferdinand Cohn (1828–1898) discovered the existence of heat-resistant bacterial endospores.

1.3 The Role of Microorganisms in Disease

The importance of microorganisms in disease was not immediately obvious to people, and it took many years for scientists to establish the connection between microorganisms and illness. Recognition of the role of microorganisms depended greatly upon the development of new techniques for their study. Once it became clear that disease could be caused by microbial infections, microbiologists began to examine the way in which hosts defended themselves against microorganisms and to ask how disease might be prevented. The field of immunology was born.

Recognition of the Relationship between Microorganisms and Disease

Although Fracastoro and a few others had suggested that invisible organisms produced disease, most believed that disease was due to causes such as supernatural forces, poisonous vapors called miasmas, and imbalances between the four humors thought to be present in the body. The idea that an imbalance between the four humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile [choler], and black bile [melancholy]) led to disease had been widely accepted since the time of the Greek physician Galen (129–199). Support for the germ theory of disease began to accumulate in the early nineteenth century. Agostino Bassi (1773–1856) first showed a microorganism could cause disease when he demonstrated in 1835 that a silkworm disease was due to a fungal infection. He also suggested that many diseases were due to microbial infections.

In 1845 M. J. Berkeley proved that the great Potato Blight of Ireland was caused by a fungus. Following his successes with the study of fermentation, Pasteur was asked by the French government to investigate the pébrine disease of silkworms that was disrupting the silk industry. After several years of work, he showed that the disease was due to a protozoan parasite. The disease was controlled by raising caterpillars from eggs produced by healthy moths.

Indirect evidence that microorganisms were agents of human disease came from the work of the English surgeon Joseph Lister (1827–1912) on the prevention of wound infections. Lister impressed with Pasteur’s studies on the involvement of microorganisms in fermentation and putrefaction, developed a system of antiseptic surgery designed to prevent microorganisms from entering wounds. Instruments were heat sterilized, and phenol was used on surgical dressings and at times sprayed over the surgical area. The approach was remarkably successful and transformed surgery after Lister published his findings in 1867. It also provided strong indirect evidence for the role of microorganisms in disease because phenol, which killed bacteria, also prevented wound infections.

Robert Koch

The first direct demonstration of the role of bacteria in causing disease came from the study of anthrax by the German physician Robert Koch (1843–1910). Koch (figure 1.4) used the criteria proposed by his former teacher, Jacob Henle (1809–1885), to establish the relationship between Bacillus anthracis and anthrax, and published his findings in 1876 (Box 1.1 briefly discusses the scientific method). Koch injected healthy mice with material from diseased animals, and the mice became ill. After transferring anthrax by inoculation through a series of 20 mice, he incubated a piece of spleen containing the anthrax bacillus in beef serum. The bacilli grew, reproduced, and produced spores. When the isolated bacilli or spores were injected into mice, anthrax developed. His criteria for proving the causal relationship between a microorganism and a specific disease are known as Koch’s postulates and can be summarized as follows:

1. The microorganism must be present in every case of the disease but absent from healthy organisms.

2. The suspected microorganism must be isolated and grown in a pure culture.

3. The same disease must result when the isolated microorganism is inoculated into a healthy host.

4. The same microorganism must be isolated again from the diseased host.

Although Koch used the general approach described in the postulates during his anthrax studies, he did not outline them fully until his 1884 publication on the cause of tuberculosis (Box 1.2).

The Hypothetico-Deductive Method used in scientific research.

Koch’s proof that Bacillus anthracis caused anthrax was independently confirmed by Pasteur and his coworkers. They discovered that after burial of dead animals, anthrax spores survived and were brought to the surface by earthworms. Healthy animals then ingested the spores and became ill.

Molecular Koch's postulates

The Development of Techniques for Studying Microbial Pathogens

During Koch’s studies on bacterial diseases, it became necessary to isolate suspected bacterial pathogens. At first he cultured bacteria on the sterile surfaces of cut, boiled potatoes. This was unsatisfactory because bacteria would not always grow well on potatoes.

He then tried to solidify regular liquid media by adding gelatin. Separate bacterial colonies developed after the surface had been streaked with a bacterial sample. The sample could also be mixed with liquefied gelatin medium. When the gelatin medium hardened, individual bacteria produced separate colonies. Despite its advantages gelatin was not an ideal solidifying agent because it was digested by many bacteria and melted when the temperature rose above 28°C. A better alternative was provided by Fannie Eilshemius Hesse, the wife of Walther Hesse, one of Koch’s assistants (figure 1.5). She suggested the use of agar as a solidifying agent—she had been using it successfully to make jellies for some time. Agar was not attacked by most bacteria and did not melt until reaching a temperature of 100°C. One of Koch’s assistants, Richard Petri, developed the petri dish (plate), a container for solid culture media. These developments made possible the isolation of pure cultures that contained only one type of bacterium, and directly stimulated progress in all areas of bacteriology.

Fannie Eilshemius (1850–1934) and Walther Hesse (1846–1911)

Koch also developed media suitable for growing bacteria isolated from the body. Because of their similarity to body fluids, meat extracts and protein digests were used as nutrient sources.

The result was the development of nutrient broth and nutrient agar, media that are still in wide use today.

By 1882 Koch had used these techniques to isolate the bacillus that caused tuberculosis. There followed a golden age of about 30 to 40 years in which most of the major bacterial pathogens were isolated (table 1.1).

The discovery of viruses and their role in disease was made possible when Charles Chamberland (1851–1908), one of Pasteur’s associates, constructed a porcelain bacterial filter in 1884.

The first viral pathogen to be studied was the tobacco mosaic disease virus.

Immunological Studies

In this period progress also was made in determining how animals resisted disease and in developing techniques for protecting humans and livestock against pathogens. During studies on chicken cholera, Pasteur and Roux discovered that incubating their cultures for long intervals between transfers would attenuate the bacteria, which meant they had lost their ability to cause the disease. If the chickens were injected with these attenuated cultures, they remained healthy but developed the ability to resist the disease. He called the attenuated culture a vaccine [Latin vacca, cow] in honor of Edward Jenner because, many years earlier, Jenner had used vaccination with material from co wpox lesions to protect people against smallpox.

Shortly after this, Pasteur and Chamberland developed an attenuated anthrax vaccine in two ways: by treating cultures with potassium bichromate and by incubating the bacteria at 42 to 43°C.

Pasteur next prepared rabies vaccine by a different approach. The pathogen was attenuated by growing it in an abnormal host, the rabbit. After infected rabbits had died, their brains and spinal cords were removed and dried. During the course of these studies, Joseph Meister, a nine-year-old boy who had been bitten by a rabid dog, was brought to Pasteur. Since the boy’s death was certain in the absence of treatment, Pasteur agreed to try vaccination. Joseph was injected 13 times over the next 10 days with increasingly virulent preparations of the attenuated virus. He survived.

In gratitude for Pasteur’s development of vaccines, people from around the world contributed to the construction of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. One of the initial tasks of the Institute was vaccine production.

After the discovery that the diphtheria bacillus produced a toxin, Emil von Behring (1854–1917) and Shibasaburo Kitasato (1852–1931) injected inactivated toxin into rabbits, inducing them to produce an antitoxin, a substance in the blood that would inactivate the toxin and protect against the disease. A tetanus antitoxin was then prepared and both antitoxins were used in the treatment of people.

The antitoxin work provided evidence that immunity could result from soluble substances in the blood, now known to be antibodies (humoral immunity). It became clear that blood cells were also important in immunity (cellular immunity) when Elie Metchnikoff (1845–1916) discovered that some blood leukocytes could engulf disease-causing bacteria (figure 1.6). He called these cells phagocytes and the process phagocytosis [Greek phagein, eating].


Elie Metchnikoff

1.4 Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Ecology

Although Theodore Schwann and others had proposed in 1837 that yeast cells were responsible for the conversion of sugars to alcohol, a process they called alcoholic fermentation, the leading chemists of the time believed microorganisms were not involved.

They were convinced that fermentation was due to a chemical instability that degraded the sugars to alcohol. Pasteur did not agree. It appears that early in his career Pasteur became interested in fermentation because of his research on the stereochemistry of molecules. He believed that fermentations were carried out by living organisms and produced asymmetric products such as amyl alcohol that had optical activity. There was an intimate connection between molecular asymmetry, optical activity, and life. Then in 1856 M. Bigo, an industrialist in Lille, France, where Pasteur worked, requested Pasteur’s assistance.

His business produced ethanol from the fermentation of beet sugars, and the alcohol yields had recently declined and the product had become sour. Pasteur discovered that the fermentation was failing because the yeast normally responsible for alcohol formation had been replaced by microorganisms producing lactic acid rather than ethanol. In solving this practical problem, Pasteur demonstrated that all fermentations were due to the activities of specific yeasts and bacteria, and he published several papers on fermentation between 1857 and 1860. His success led to a study of wine diseases and the development of pasteurization to preserve wine during storage.

Pasteur’s studies on fermentation continued for almost 20 years. One of his most important discoveries was that some fermentative microorganisms were anaerobic and could live only in the absence of oxygen, whereas others were able to live either aerobically or anaerobically.

A few of the early microbiologists chose to investigate the ecological role of microorganisms. In particular they studied microbial involvement in the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles taking place in soil and aquatic habitats. Two of the pioneers in this endeavor were Sergei N. Winogradsky (1856–1953) and Martinus W. Beijerinck (1851–1931).

The Russian microbiologist Sergei N. Winogradsky made many contributions to soil microbiology. He discovered that soil bacteria could oxidize iron, sulfur, and ammonia to obtain energy, and that many bacteria could incorporate CO2 into organic matter much like photosynthetic organisms do. Winogradsky also isolated anaerobic nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria and studied the decomposition of cellulose.

Martinus W. Beijerinck was one of the great general microbiologists who made fundamental contributions to microbial ecology and many other fields. He isolated the aerobic nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azotobacter; a root nodule bacterium also capable of fixing nitrogen (later named Rhizobium); and sulfatereducing bacteria. Beijerinck and Winogradsky developed the enrichment-culture technique and the use of selective media, which have been of such great importance in microbiology.

1.5 Members of the Microbial World

Although the kingdoms of organisms and the differences between procaryotic and eucaryotic cells are discussed in much more detail later, a brief introduction to the organisms a microbiologist studies is given here. Comparison of procaryotic and eucaryotic cells.

Two fundamentally different types of cells exist. Procaryotic cells [Greek pro, before, and karyon, nut or kernel; organism with a primordial nucleus] have a much simpler morphology than eucaryotic cells and lack a true membrane-delimited nucleus. All bacteria are procaryotic. In contrast, eukaryotic cells [Greek eu, true, and karyon, nut or kernel] have a membrane- enclosed nucleus; they are more complex morphologically and are usually larger than procaryotes. Algae, fungi, protozoa, higher plants, and animals are eucaryotic. Procaryotic and eucaryotic cells differ in many other ways as well.

The early description of organisms as either plants or animals clearly is too simplified, and for many years biologists have divided organisms into five kingdoms: the Monera, Protista, Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae. Microbiologists study primarily members of the first three kingdoms. Although they are not included in the five kingdoms, viruses are also studied by microbiologists.

In the last few decades great progress has been made in three areas that profoundly affect microbial classification. First, much has been learned about the detailed structure of microbial cells from the use of electron microscopy. Second, microbiologists have determined the biochemical and physiological characteristics of many different microorganisms. Third, the sequences of nucleic acids and proteins from a wide variety of organisms have been compared.

It is now clear that there are two quite different groups of prokaryotic organisms: Bacteria and Archaea. Furthermore, the protists are so diverse that it may be necessary to divide the kingdom Protista into three or more kingdoms. Thus many taxonomists have concluded that the five kingdom system is too simple and have proposed a variety of alternatives. The differences between Bacteria, Archaea, and the eukaryotes seem so great that many microbiologists have proposed that organisms should be divided among three domains: Bacteria (the true bacteria or eubacteria), Archaea, and Eucarya (all eucaryotic organisms).

1.6 The Scope and Relevance of Microbiology

As the scientist-writer Steven Jay Gould emphasized, we live in the Age of Bacteria. They were the first living organisms on our planet, live virtually everywhere life is possible, are more numerous than any other kind of organism, and probably constitute the largest component of the earth’s biomass. The whole ecosystem depends on their activities, and they influence human society in countless ways. Thus modern microbiology is a large discipline with many different specialties; it has a great impact on fields such as medicine, agricultural and food sciences, ecology, genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology.

For example, microbiology has been a major contributor to the rise of molecular biology, the branch of biology dealing with the physical and chemical aspects of living matter and its function.

Microbiologists have been deeply involved in studies on the genetic code and the mechanisms of DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis.

Microorganisms were used in many of the early studies on the regulation of gene expression and the control of enzyme activity. In the 1970s new discoveries in microbiology led to the development of recombinant DNA technology and genetic engineering.

One indication of the importance of microbiology in the twentieth century is the Nobel Prize given for work in physiology or medicine. About 1/3 of these have been awarded to scientists working on microbiological problems.

Microbiology has both basic and applied aspects. Many microbiologists are interested primarily in the biology of the microorganisms themselves (figure 1.7). They may focus on a specific group of microorganisms and be called virologists (viruses), bacteriologists (bacteria), phycologists or algologists (algae), mycologists (fungi), or protozoologists (protozoa).

Some well known modern Microbiologists

Others are interested in microbial morphology or particular functional processes and work in fields such as microbial cytology, microbial physiology, microbial ecology, microbial genetics and molecular biology, and microbial taxonomy.

Of course a person can be thought of in both ways (e.g., as a bacteriologist who works on taxonomic problems). Many microbiologists have a more applied orientation and work on practical problems in fields such as medical microbiology, food and dairy microbiology, and public health microbiology (basic research is also conducted in these fields). Because the various fields of microbiology are interrelated, an applied microbiologist must be familiar with basic microbiology. For example, a medical microbiologist must have a good understanding of microbial taxonomy, genetics, immunology, and physiology to identify and properly respond to the pathogen of concern.

What are some of the current occupations of professional microbiologists?

One of the most active and important is medical microbiology, which deals with the diseases of humans and animals.

Medical microbiologists identify the agent causing an infectious disease and plan measures to eliminate it. Frequently they are involved in tracking down new, unidentified pathogens such as the agent that causes variant creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, the hantavirus, and the virus responsible for AIDS. These microbiologists also study the ways in which microorganisms cause disease.

Public health microbiology is closely related to medical microbiology. Public health microbiologists try to control the spread of communicable diseases. They often monitor community food establishments and water supplies in an attempt to keep them safe and free from infectious disease agents.

Immunology is concerned with how the immune system protects the body from pathogens and the response of infectious agents. It is one of the fastest growing areas in science; for example, techniques for the production and use of monoclonal antibodies have developed extremely rapidly. Immunology also deals with practical health problems such as the nature and treatment of allergies and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.

Many important areas of microbiology do not deal directly with human health and disease but certainly contribute to human welfare. Agricultural microbiology is concerned with the impact of microorganisms on agriculture. Agricultural microbiologists try to combat plant diseases that attack important food crops, work on methods to increase soil fertility and crop yields, and study the role of microorganisms living in the digestive tracts of ruminants such as cattle. Currently there is great interest in using bacterial and viral insect pathogens as substitutes for chemical pesticides.

The field of microbial ecology is concerned with the relationships between microorganisms and their living and nonliving habitats. Microbial ecologists study the contributions of microorganisms to the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycles in soil and in freshwater. The study of pollution effects on microorganisms also is important because of the impact these organisms have on the environment. Microbial ecologists are employing microorganisms in bioremediation to reduce pollution effects.

Scientists working in food and dairy microbiology try to prevent microbial spoilage of food and the transmission of foodborne diseases such as botulism and salmonellosis. They also use microorganisms to make foods such as cheeses, yogurts, pickles, and beer. In the future microorganisms themselves may become a more important nutrient source for livestock and humans.

In industrial microbiology microorganisms are used to make products such as antibiotics, vaccines, steroids, alcohols and other solvents, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes. Microorganisms can even leach valuable minerals from low-grade ores.

Research on the biology of microorganisms occupies the time of many microbiologists and also has practical applications. Those working in microbial physiology and biochemistry study the synthesis of antibiotics and toxins, microbial energy production, the ways in which microorganisms survive harsh environmental conditions, microbial nitrogen fixation, the effects of chemical and physical agents on microbial growth and survival, and many other topics.

Microbial genetics and molecular biology focus on the nature of genetic information and how it regulates the development and function of cells and organisms. The use of microorganisms has been very helpful in understanding gene function. Microbial geneticists play an important role in applied microbiology by producing new microbial strains that are more efficient in synthesizing useful products. Genetic techniques are used to test substances for their ability to cause cancer. More recently the field of genetic engineering has arisen from work in microbial genetics and molecular biology and will contribute substantially to microbiology, biology as a whole, and medicine. Engineered microorganisms are used to make hormones, antibiotics, vaccines, and other products. New genes can be inserted into plants and animals; for example, it may be possible to give corn and wheat nitrogen-fixation genes so they will not require nitrogen fertilizers.

1.7 The Future of Microbiology

As the preceding sections have shown, microbiology has had a profound influence on society. What of the future? Science writer Bernard Dixon is very optimistic about microbiology’s future for two reasons. First, microbiology has a clearer mission than do many other scientific disciplines. Second, it is confident of its value because of its practical significance. Dixon notes that microbiology is required both to face the threat of new and reemerging human infectious diseases and to develop industrial technologies that are more efficient and environmentally friendly.

What are some of the most promising areas for future microbiological research and their potential practical impacts? What kinds of challenges do microbiologists face? The following brief list should give some idea of what the future may hold:

1. New infectious diseases are continually arising and old diseases are once again becoming widespread and destructive. AIDS, hemorrhagic fevers, and tuberculosis are excellent examples of new and reemerging infectious diseases. Microbiologists will have to respond to these threats, many of them presently unknown.

2. Microbiologists must find ways to stop the spread of established infectious diseases. Increases in antibiotic resistance will be a continuing problem, particularly the spread of multiple drug resistance that can render a pathogen impervious to current medical treatment. Microbiologists have to create new drugs and find ways to slow or prevent the spread of drug resistance. New vaccines must be developed to protect against diseases such as AIDS. It will be necessary to use techniques in molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology to solve these problems.

3. Research is needed on the association between infectious agents and chronic diseases such as autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases. It may be that some of these chronic afflictions partly result from infections.

4. We are only now beginning to understand how pathogens interact with host cells and the ways in which diseases arise. There also is much to learn about how the host resists pathogen invasions.

5. Microorganisms are increasingly important in industry and environmental control, and we must learn how to use them in a variety of new ways. For example, microorganisms can (a) serve as sources of high-quality food and other practical products such as enzymes for industrial applications, (b) degrade pollutants and toxic wastes, and (c) be used as vectors to treat diseases and enhance agricultural productivity. There also is a continuing need to protect food and crops from microbial damage.

6. Microbial diversity is another area requiring considerable research. Indeed, it is estimated that less than 1% of the earth’s microbial population has been cultured. We must develop new isolation techniques and an adequate classification of microorganisms, one which includes those microbes that cannot be cultivated in the laboratory. Much work needs to be done on microorganisms living in extreme environments. The discovery of new microorganisms may well lead to further advances in industrial processes and enhanced environmental control.

7. Microbial communities often live in biofilms, and these biofilms are of profound importance in both medicine and microbial ecology. Research on biofilms is in its infancy; it will be many years before we more fully understand their nature and are able to use our knowledge in practical ways. In general, microbe-microbe interactions have not yet been extensively explored.

8. The genomes of many microorganisms already have been sequenced, and many more will be determined in the coming years. These sequences are ideal for learning how the genome is related to cell structure and what the minimum assortment of genes necessary for life is. Analysis of the genome and its activity will require continuing advances in the field of bioinformatics and the use of computers to investigate biological problems.

9. Further research on unusual microorganisms and microbial ecology will lead to a better understanding of the interactions between microorganisms and the inanimate world. Among other things, this understanding should enable us to more effectively control pollution. Similarly, it has become clear that microorganisms are essential partners with higher organisms in symbiotic relationships. Greater knowledge of symbiotic relationships can help improve our appreciation of the living world. It also will lead to improvements in the health of plants, livestock, and humans.

10. Because of their relative simplicity, microorganisms are excellent subjects for the study of a variety of fundamental questions in biology. For example, how do complex cellular structures develop and how do cells communicate with one another and respond to the environment?

11. Finally, microbiologists will be challenged to carefully assess the implications of new discoveries and technological developments. They will need to communicate a balanced view of both the positive and negative long-term impacts of these events on society.

The future of microbiology is bright. The microbiologist René Dubos has summarized well the excitement and promise of microbiology:

How extraordinary that, all over the world, microbiologists are now involved in activities as different as the study of gene structure, the control of disease, and the industrial processes based on the phenomenal ability of microorganisms to decompose and synthesize complex organic molecules. Microbiology is one of the most rewarding of professions because it gives its practitioners the opportunity to be in contact with all the other natural sciences and thus to contribute in many different ways to the betterment of human life.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like very interesting to know well about microbiologist so many knowledge I adopted.
